AWS Backup for S3 Made Easy with Zmanda

AWS Backup for S3 | Zmanda

AWS S3 has become a storage of choice for many businesses now, backed by the fame of Amazon S3 Glacier storage.  In line with this sentiment, Zmanda allows AWS backup for S3 too. Zmanda’s mission is to ensure that our customers can always recover their data while making backup simple, secure, and cost-effective. Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3) fits perfectly with this mission. What’s more? You can achieve point-in-time restores of Amazon S3 bucket as needed.

Amanda Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software for AWS S3 backup | Zmanda

In addition to traditional backup to disk and tape, Zmanda now enables AWS backup for S3, allowing the archive and retrieval of any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the Internet. Perfect for the connected world of today! Zmanda customers now get access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its global network of websites. So, you get to focus on issues that really need your attention.

Turn Back Time With Object Versioning in AWS s3 backup

Object versioning is an incredibly useful key feature. It is a safety measure that protects your valuable data from accidental overwrites or deletions. Thanks to Object Versioning, application failures are no longer a cause for concern. When object versioning is enabled, versions of each object are stored by S3. Any previous version can be restored to undo any unintended deletion or overwriting.

What are Replication Rules?

Replication rules determine the source bucket objects that will be copied and the destination bucket(s) where the copies will be stored. Replication automatically copies objects across Amazon S3 buckets.  You can replicate your buckets in different regions for added safety. Once the replication rule is created, modifications to the source bucket will be automatically be incorporated into destination bucket.

Benefits of Using AWS Backup for S3

  • Streamlined offsite backup storage & recovery process
  • Layered security & bandwidth optimization
  • Retrieve data anytime, anywhere without much of a wait. Faster than restoring from offsite tape storage
  • Cost-effective “pay as you go” ideal for businesses
  • Easy to use & manage with Amanda Enterprise
  • Accomplish specific time restores of AWS S3 backup bucket
  • Only online storage service backed by Amazon’s 99.9% SLA
  • Data stored in SAS 70 Type II Certified Data Center for total peace of mind

Disaster Recovery With Zmanda Together With AWS S3

AWS S3 disaster recovery is highly sought after thanks to the reliability offered by Amazon´s 99.9% service level agreement. Managing AWS backup S3 as a target is a cinch with Zmanda Management Console (ZMC). Once you set up the configuration, data is automatically copied to Amazon S3, and detailed reports are maintained. Secure your data further with the power of vaulting. You can vault your data over to multiple locations on cloud storage like AWS.  

Cloud storage options in AWS S3 backup on ZMC | Zmanda
Backup set details on ZMC | Zmanda

EUDPD Compliant

EUDPD Compliant: With Amanda Enterprise 3.0, this option is compliant with the EU Data Protection Directive. You can choose to constrain your backup data to go to Amazon’s data centers within the EU boundaries.

Tape Backup vs. AWS Backup for S3

In comparison to traditional storing of tapes off-site for disaster recovery, the AWS S3 backup software provides a streamlined recovery process with minimal downtime for your business.

Recovery from off-site tape Recovery from Amazon S3
Mount and read the tape until the required data is found and recoveredFind files or directories using intuitive ZMC and click Restore
Request your off-site tape storage vendor, e.g. Iron Mountain, to deliver the tapes
Mount and read the tape until required data is found and recovered
Unload the tape and repeat with another tape if required
Total downtime for the best-case scenario is hours, but it usually takes several daysTotal downtime is a few minutes

Still having second thoughts? Go on and read how Amanda Enterprise Amazon S3 Storage Option is considered to be the leading “hybrid-online backup solution” by Illuminata. Register to read the latest analyst report. Please contact or call (888) 496-2632 for more information on AWS S3 backup.

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